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How to Use It?

Discover the powerful features integrated into our calculator tool.

Simple Calculations

Input numbers and select operations like +, -, *, / for arithmetic.

Scientific Functions

Access functions such as square roots (√x), powers (x^y), and exponentials (e^x) directly from the main interface.

Trigonometry and Logarithms

Compute sine (sin), cosine (cos), tangent (tan), and logarithms (log) using dedicated keys.


Use the pi (π) key to insert the value of pi in your calculations.

User Interface

Easily input numbers and commands using your keyboard, mouse, or touchscreen.

Correcting Entries

If you make an error, use the backspace key to remove the last digit or the x button to clear the current entry.

Dark Mode

Toggle between light and dark modes for comfortable use in any lighting condition.

Additional Features

Save your work, print out results, or share your calculations directly from the calculator interface.

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